Some History and FAQs
Hi There!
I'm MrMike, creator of HITMAPS. I'm currently working as a web developer while working on HITMAPS in my spare time.
I started working on HITMAPS a month or so before HITMAN™ 2 was released, as I was not seeing any progress made on hitmanmaps.com. By building a site that allows outside contributions, maps for all six starting locations were created far faster than I could ever imagine.
Are you Affiliated With IO Interactive or HITMAN™ Maps?
Nope. Not at all. hitmanmaps.com was created by Winterbirds, which heavily influenced HITMAPS, as I wanted to provide a similar user experience to what hitmanmaps.com users were used to using. However, I've never spoken to the creator of hitmanmaps.com.
Special Thanks
I'd like to thank the following for making HITMAPS what it is today:

IO Interactive
Without them, the Hitman series would not exist, and therefore this site would not exist.

ReadMe provides a free open-source license to document HITMAPS' public API.
The Community
The community is vital to HITMAPS. Without them, this site would not be where it is today (I would not have had the motivation to do it all by myself 😂).